Question 1: Would you recommend our company to those around you?

    Question 2: Can you rank the quality of services delivered by your contact persons within Reference from 0 (lowest-very unsatisfied) to 10 (highest-very satisfied)? *

    - The partner in charge:

    - The corporate officer in charge:

    - The accountant in charge:

    - The executive assistant in charge:

    Question 3: Can you rank the reactiveness of your contact persons within Reference from 0 (lowest- very unsatisfied) to 10 (highest-very satisfied)? *

    - The partner in charge:

    - The corporate officer in charge:

    - The accountant in charge:

    - The executive assistant in charge:

    *Mandatory answers

    The informations collected through this questionnaire are confidential and will only be used internally by the company Référence Financial Services Luxembourg.